Our Foundation is Music to Our Ears!

Sounds of the holidays are quite literally music to my ears. As I make my way to our winter performances and band concerts, I listen in amazement as our students challenge themselves to sing new songs and play instruments in a multipurpose room full of strangers. It’s surreal to grasp that every student in our district takes part in a music education program. Our district’s ability to offer arts to every student is intentional and purposeful. It has been accomplished through a partnership with the Roseville City School District Foundation (RCSDF), whose mission is to enhance, enrich and expand the education of every child in our district.
RCSDF was created in 2005 and is comprised of volunteers who are parents, business owners and community leaders, all of whom ensure a high standard of education and put in work to fundraise. During the early years of the foundation, funding focused on teacher grants and classroom technology.
In 2016, the foundation pledged $25,000 annually to help fund and launch the district’s music program.Music education is more than just learning how to sing or play an instrument. Research shows music programs help children excel in other subjects. Skills gained in music improve language development, increase IQ, creativity and spatial-temporal skills.
Did you know schools that offer music education boast a higher attendance rate than those who do not? Or that these schools see 22 percent higher English scores and 20 percent higher math scores on standardized tests? Benefits like this are why our district and RCSDF work hard to offer quality education to our children. They simply deserve the best we can offer.
You too can help support our children’s access to music education… it’s easy! This spring, join principals, teachers, parents and students at the annual Run4Roseville on April 28, 2019 at Maidu Regional Park. Represent your school as you compete for a medal! Your registration helps raise funds to continue providing Roseville’s students with the highest quality education. Since its inception, the foundation has contributed more than $140,000 to our schools. Talk about music to your ears! Learn more at rcsdfoundation.org.
I hope you cherish the holiday season with your loved ones. Here’s to 2019!